Cosmetic Dentistry

Orthodontics & 
Invisalign Treatment

What does a perfect smile mean for you? You probably picture straight rows of teeth that meet perfectly right in the middle. For many people, crooked teeth can be a source of anxiety and embarrassment. It doesn’t end with just the cosmetic aspect. When teeth are crooked or crowded, bacteria becomes more difficult to eliminate in the tight, hard to reach spaces between the teeth. This can cause bad breath, discoloration, staining, gum disease and infection.

Traditional Braces

We know family schedules can be hectic and at Windmill Dentistry we want to help you and your family stay healthy in the most convenient way possible. If anyone in your family needs orthodontic work, you won't have to travel for separate appointments just for them. Every other Friday, Dr. Jeff Cohlmia, DDS, MS, works in our office to provide you and your family high-quality orthodontic care. He has been specializing in orthodontics since 1994 and graduated from the University of Oklahoma’s College of Dentistry. For more information about Dr. Cohlmia or our orthodontic services, call our office today and we will be happy to help. 

Invisalign® Clear Braces

Sometimes adults feel like it’s too late for them to correct their teeth or they just don’t want the metal and brackets that come with traditional braces. Invisalign clear aligners are the answer for teens and adults who want to straighten their teeth discreetly and sometimes even faster than conventional methods. These custom-made clear aligners can be removed during meals and during your oral care routine to maintain optimal hygiene and avoid the staining that sometimes occurs with metal braces. Another perk, because they can be removed you don’t have to change your diet and stop eating the things you love. 
Learn More About Invisalign

If you are concerned about the alignment of your children’s teeth, it’s never too early to have them looked at. It’s also never too late. More adults have braces right now than ever before. To discuss your orthodontic options and schedule a consultation, call our office at (918) 910-5227. 

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