Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

If coming in for routine dental care is something that makes you feel anxious, Dr. Bird wants you to know that he understands and is committed to helping you find comfort every step of the way. In fact, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that up to 40 million people experience dental anxiety and at Windmill Dentistry we are taking that seriously. We’re always working on new ways to help our patients get the care they need and deserve in an environment they feel safe and comfortable in. We offer many sedation options that are both relaxing and effective so you don’t have to compromise your oral health any longer.

Sedation Dentistry Methods

Nitrous Oxide 
"Laughing Gas" Sedation

Laughing gas is one of the most commonly used methods in dental procedures for both children and adults. It’s been well known for decades and is safe and effective for all ages. As you breathe in naturally, nitrous oxide and oxygen are inhaled through a small mask that fits comfortably over your nose. After just a few minutes, a feeling of calmness will wash over you and your arms and legs may begin to feel heavy. One of the greatest benefits to this method of sedation is that at the end of the procedure the amount of nitrous oxide can be gradually lowered until you return to full alertness. You can even drive yourself home afterwards which usually isn’t the case with more intense sedation methods. 

Oral Sedation

Would you like to be so relaxed during your dental appointment that you fall asleep? That’s what sometimes happens during this method of sedation dentistry. Oral sedation involves taking a medication, usually in a simple pill form before your treatment that works to slow the central nervous system. This creates a sense of relaxation so that you can get the care you need while feeling as comfortable as possible. Since this form of sedation lasts for awhile, Dr. Bird can usually complete all of your necessary dental work in a single visit. 

Sedation Dentistry Relieves 
Dental Anxiety for Muskogee Residents

We know dental anxiety comes in all different shapes and sizes. Some have stories of past experiences that may have led to their fears while others can’t quite explain exactly why they feel the way they do. Regardless, the anxiety is very real and at Windmill Dentistry we completely understand and will do everything we can to help you have a comfortable, positive experience. Call us today at (918) 910-5227 for more information. 
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