Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Being confident in your smile is central to your overall well-being and can make a big difference in both your personal and professional life. Dr. Bird has worked for over 30 years helping patients achieve natural, beautiful smiles that not only improve their oral health but also elevate their level of confidence. Some of the ways in which we can help you look and feel your best include:

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Sometimes fillings can’t be avoided, even with great oral hygiene. If this happens, there’s no need for a ‘silver filling’, also known as amalgam. These contain mercury, a known neurotoxin and are noticeably unnatural. Composite materials create a seamless transition and a strong foundation that repair the tooth and leave your smile looking untouched. Dr. Bird uses precise techniques and safer, tooth-colored composite material to restore the structure without leaving that telltale metal look that can be seen when you smile. 

Teeth Whitening

Unless you drink nothing but water, chances are you worry about the color of your teeth. Our teeth are porous and can easily become stained or discolored. We shouldn’t have to give up everything we like to eat and drink just because we want our teeth to stay white. Sometimes, discoloration can occur for reasons we have no control over such as age, genetics and even medications. Thanks to advances in dental medicine, you don’t have to be embarrassed over stained or discolored teeth. At Windmill Dentistry, we provide two different approaches to teeth whitening so that you can find the one that works best for you. For those who want immediate results, we have in-office professional whitening treatments. We can also send you home with whitening trays that are worn for a short time each day for about two weeks. Some patients choose to use a combination of the two for even more effective results.

Porcelain Veneers

In the past, many people thought porcelain veneers were just for celebrities. They were developed in Hollywood, after all, to help stars fix their smiles for those on-screen close-ups and big screen premieres. Thanks to advances in dental technology, people all over the world are now using porcelain veneers to help transform their teeth and give them the confidence to smile again. 

They can help with issues like:
• Crooked or misshapen teeth
• Cracks or chips 
  • Dullness or discoloration
• Gaps
• Teeth that appear too long or too short

  Sometimes a single veneer can be used to correct a chipped or cracked tooth. Other times, 
several veneers may be the best solution and can be custom made to create a whole new smile.

Cosmetic Injections

You may be wondering why you would come to a dentist for cosmetic injections. The real question is; why would you go to anyone else? Dentists are highly trained in all aspects of the oral-facial area. They have extensive knowledge and training in the facial muscles and they provide injections and anesthetics daily. At Windmill Dentistry, we know that having a smile you love doesn’t always just begin and end with your teeth. Dr. Bird has been providing his patients with these treatments for over 8 years and with his expertise and experience, in just one office visit you can be on your way to looking years younger. 


You’ve probably heard of this wildly popular cosmetic injection as it’s been the number one patient choice for non-surgical wrinkle treatment in the world for years. Botox treatments are used to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, especially around the eyes, forehead and between the brows. It can even help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with TMJ disorders and provide relief for those suffering from headaches or migraines. 


As we age, our bodies natural production of the carbohydrate hyaluronic acid slows, especially after age 40. This moisture-binding molecule plumps and smooths skins, keeping it hydrated and youthful. Without it, smile lines and wrinkles around the mouth and on the forehead begin to appear. Juvederm is an injectable gel made of this naturally occurring acid that works to bring back volume and youth to your face and smooth out wrinkles. It can also be a great way to fill thinning lips and take your smile makeover to the next level.

At Windmill Dentistry, we want you to feel confident every time you look in the mirror. If you think Botox or Juvederm could help you reach your smile goals, give our office a call today at (918) 910-5227. 

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